EV News

Tesla opens multiple new charging sites across 3 states

Published by
Riz Akhtar

Tesla has opened multiple new supercharger sites over the last week with new V4 supercharger sites coming online in both Sydney and Melbourne.

Starting in Sydney, the suburb of Chatswood has a new site with 8 stalls. All 8 stalls have the longer cables that come equipped with the V4 superchargers, helping non-Tesla EVs to charge there too.

Each stall is capable of delivering up to 250 kW of power and like other V4 sites, has a CC2 plug that accommodates for most popular EVs.

Similarly in Melbourne, a new supercharger site in South Melbourne has opened in a shopping Centre with 6 V4 supercharger stalls.

At the writing of this article, the South Melbourne site will be the closest supercharger site to Melbourne’s CBD and is conveniently located close to major freeways that connect the city to the rest of the state.

Tesla celebrated this site’s opening by sharing it on its official Tesla Charging account.

Staying in Victoria, readers of The Driven shared an email from Tesla, hinting at new sites that are to come to the state. In the email Tesla states under the “Coming Soon to Victoria” heading:

  • Bright
  • Morang
  • Port Campbell
  • South Melbourne (note by author: already opened)
  • Traralgon

Given the South Melbourne site has already opened, Tesla may have forgotten to remove it from the list in the email.

The remaining 4 sites consist of three regional (Bright, Port Campbell & Traralgon) and one metropolitan site (Morang, likely in suburb or Campbellfield).

These sites are likely to be completed before Christmas, making travelling in Victoria much easier for many EV drivers.

At this stage, it’s unclear if some or all will be opened to non-Tesla vehicles but given recent sites in other parts of the country, non-Tesla EVs will likely be able to charge there.

It’s also worth noting that, unlike some supercharger sites in NSW and Queensland, the sites in Victoria have not been known to be partially funded by the state government.

Outside of Victoria, Tesla also recently opened a new site in Queensland with 6 V3 superchargers at the Ginger Factory and held a public event with test drives to mark the opening. This site will help many drivers who often head to the Sunshine Coast and northern parts of south-east Queensland.

The number of EVs across Australia continues to rise sharply with over 57,000 cars being added to the fleet in 2024 alone. Of these, Tesla made up 25,708 year-to-date sales.

All these EVs will need to be charged so it’s great to see 6 stalls and above sites coming online. Let’s hope this trend continues with Tesla and other networks opening many more sites in 2024 and beyond.

View Comments

  • Ah, Tesla Tesla Tesla! I was going to buy one soon, now I've cancelled that plan. The cars are increasingly becoming the targets of vandals who dislike Musk and his Trumpism.

    Musk has admitted to having Asperger's (now known as Austism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1). One of the prominent symptoms of this disorder is depression, which Musk treats with KETAMINE. He's on ketamine most of the time, by his own admission. Long-term adverse effects of ketamine use include a decline in executive functioning, which leads to a loss of self-control and inability to stay focused when distracted. Sadly, Musk's use of ketamine is now catching up with him and destroying him.

    • lol
      Now tell me about the medication other CEOs use, and the guaranteed side effects of those medications.

    • Yep, I bought a Mach-e instead. Loving it & btw, not remotely interested in using any overpriced Tesla chargers. Not one of my $$s going there.

    • I'm the CEO of one of the world's biggest EV companies, but the USA should continue using fossil fuels until they've run out, because it's good for the economy and anyway global warming is fake news and CO2 won't hurt you until it's over 1000ppm... by which point you'll be in a constant stupor and will no longer care that life on earth has been practically obliterated.

    • You should have mentioned that earlier as i just downloaded the lastest OTA updates for my Tesla that include (amongst other things):

      Schedule Charge and Preconditioning
      From the redesigned menu or the Tesla mobile app, schedule charging or preconditioning for your vehicle. You can select a location, schedule a one-off, repeat specific times or days of the week, and also control when charging starts and stops.

      Navigate to Sub-Destinations
      Now when you enter a navigation destination you can select a sub-destination (such as a specific terminal at the airport) to get more accurate routing details.

      Fan Speed
      When in Auto, the fan speed may now automatically lower to reduce the sound of ambient noise during a phone call.

      Weather Forecast and Air Quality
      Your vehicle status bar now shows the local weather conditions alongside the temperature. When air quality is poor, your vehicle also shows an AQI symbol and index value.

      Parental Controls
      You can now enable Parental Controls with a PIN on your vehicle. Set a maximum speed limit and limit acceleration to Chill. Turn on safety features, such as Speed Limit Warning, Automatic Emergency Braking, and Forward Collision Warning. Configure Night Curfew to receive notifications through your Tesla mobile app when the vehicle is driven past curfew.

      Zoom meetings now default to full-screen when your car is in Park. You can also log in with QR code. (Requires AMD Ryzen)

      A redesigned climate panel allows you to select your comfort settings with ease

      Amazon Music

      YouTube Music

      In all seriousness, you wont get the features you get in a Tesla in other brands, the efficiency, speed, charging network, the ability to drive it without stalks (okay that's nothing to brag about) for the price you pay for the car. Don't let the CEO hold you back.

      • No, sorry, I believe in ethical buying. I won't add to the profits of a company trying to put a climate vandal like Trump into power. The damage he could do would be immense.

          • You cannot buy a Tesla anymore because there are now two groups of people who will target the vehicle for vandalism and keying. First you've got the fossil fuel lovers, the oil burners, who see their beloved cars losing resale value because of Tesla and other EVs, but primarily because of Tesla. Then you have the Musk-haters, the anti-Trumpers, the anti-fascists, the pro-unionists, the pro-LGBTQi faction, who now see Tesla has a symbol of climate denial, union bashing, trans-hate, MAGAdom and fascism. I've seen many stories of people whose Teslas have been vandalized two or three times, and who will never buy the brand again as a result. On the other hand you have the new Chinese EVs that fade into the background. It's difficult to know whether they are EVs or not. You have to search for the exhaust pipes. So there is much more peace of mind with a Chinese EV. You can lock it and leave it in the parking lot without worrying nearly as much.

            I'm looking at the Xpeng G9

        • How much damage was done when Russian gas pipes were exploded?? And who orchestrated that? (Hint: NOT Trump)

        • I reckon he is teaming up with Trump to persuade him to the ways of the (EV) force. If Trump gets in and is anti EV then Musk may be able to influence him to ensure Telsa has a brighter future. Musk is a very complex entrepreneur don't right him off yet.

      • Don't much like Musk but my new Tesla Model 3 refresh is better than I ever imagined including the Lamborgini style stalkless indicators. It makes my wifes BMW 3 series look and feel like a steam locomotive, so so very last century.

        • Stalkless indicators ARE NOT NEW!

          I owned a 1981 Citroen Athena when I lived in London in the late 1980's,

          guess what,

          it had binnacle switches for indicators, wipers, headlights, horn, etc.

          Sorry nothing new here at all,

          go and look at what Citroen were doing in the 1950's -1990's.

          They were years and years ahead of the rest of the automotive industry,

          the industry is still playing catch up!

      • basically half of these are common features and at least 1 of the others (zoom, are you kidding me) is a feature that I'dd go out of my way to avoid.
        Don't get me wrong, Musk aside, Tesla vehicles are still an easy descision for a lot of people, but auto adjusting fan speed is not one of those reasons.

        • Most of these are improvements to features that were already there, e.g. preconditioning was either on or off at a set time either weekdays or weekends. Now it can be different times on different days.
          The weather forecast isn't just the temperature displayed but what it will be over the next 6 hours with humidity and rainfall and AQI, similar to a weather app on phone. This feature is a bit over the top but nice to see.
          Parental Controls is like valet parking where the car is locked down or dumbed down for other drivers. Good feature to have.

    • There must be a new illness going around called MDS (Musk Derangement Syndrome). So you won't buy a Tesla because you don't like what the guy says or believes in. I presume then you wouldn't buy a Chinese car because of that country's horrendous record of actual human rights abuses, an issue of a magnitude vastly greater than Musk's pretty benign views.

      • Say what? Why are you equating a COUNTRY to a company's CEO? Are you unable to see the difference? A company CEO is intimately linked with a product, but the Chinese Communist Party is only very peripherally linked to Chinese EVs.

        You use of the MDS acronym, derived from the MAGA TDS acronym, says everything about you....

    • His use of ketamine was to deal with a debilitating back injury, not depression.
      Is he still using ketamine because that statement about his use was years ago.
      Ketamine destroying Musk? There are many who have actually spent time with him who are extremely complimentary of his drive, focus and dedication to bettering humanity.
      I also don’t want Trump as President but it is fair to say the Biden administration has been aggressively trying to thwart Tesla/Musk and as a result have put him offside.

    • Are you alright? What someone's medical conditions have to do with the product their company makes?? His cars are awesome, his rockets flies, his home batteries are among the best on the market etc. What did YOU do for the world?


  • Don't prod the cult. SCs are no longer the 'moat' due to government interference of the most desirable type. Sadly Tesla isn't even sure about what the company is these days..........but flexible (headline) promises are produced daily for the pushers and stock promoters. Please swallow in the love of free speech.

  • Based on plugshare, it looks like the Traralgon Tesla site will be at the RSL. Can anyone confirm or deny that?

    • Yes, confirmed by both the Tesla website map and the EFTM article from a few months ago (the satellite image matches).

      Tip: Lots of the Plugshare entries are wrong. Anyone can add them. Go to supercharge.info for the most accurate details. Each marker has a "forum" link where specifics on each site are being discussed.

  • Would be nice to see a site within 20km of the geographical centre of Sydney Metro being Parramatta.

  • Even on Tesla's Supercharger list the Campbellfield site is miss-named as Morang. They're one and the same.

  • I received a similar email listing multiple new Qld supercharger sites to fill the gap between Rockhampton and Cairns, a distance of over 1,000 kms. This will take pressure off the 50kW QESH charger network between Coolangatta and Port Douglas.

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