EV News

Australian electric vehicle sales by month and by model in 2024

Published by
Tim Eden

The Driven publishes detailed sales data for Australian passenger electric vehicle sales on this page.

Data is sourced from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) report known as VFacts, the Electric Vehicle Council (EVC), as well as individual companies.

This page will be updated as new data is released each month, and as new information comes to hand. It is designed to be a reference point for the industry and consumers alike.

Monthly EV sales in Australia

The table below tracks the monthly volume of each passenger electric vehicle model currently sold in Australia. Missing data in some rows or cells indicates that we are waiting for information from those respective manufacturers, usually for electric vehicles that have an equivalent internal combustion engine (ICE) variant.

For more details on individual EV models available in Australia, please visit our EV Models page. And for handy tips on the EV experience, please check out our EV Explainers section and our section on Road Trips and Reviews.

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  • There is no doubt in my investor mind - gungy sticky (idiot Arab driven) fossil fuels are dead dead dead. The battery is THE tech of the 21st century -and Christ we are only 20 or so years truly into it thus far. Just wait!

    • The fossil fuel people have bought Trump, so he's their man. He'll turn back the EV revolution if he can.

      But I'm a Never Trump Guy.

      • Trump stumped his first election on the promise to save the coal industry only so see it crash even further. He is only a man, this EV, Renewables "thing" is far too big even for him. He4 might keep the Chinese out for a couple of years but Tesla will continue to grow as more and more people wake up to the idiocy of fossil fuels. They were good in their time, but now it is time for EVs and renewables...bye bye Big Oil.

      • I was an outright Trump hater as well however when you dig deeper US politics is just a cesspit of misinformation. Biden is owned by a bunch of energy and other corporations and has approved many new fossil projects to keep their support. Remember Harris has been in power for 4 years and talks about what she’s gonna do not what she’s done. Politics is the art of promising, not delivering.
        i also believe Musk is with Trump because the Democrats have systematically tried and failed to marginalise Tesla, Remember Biden got into bed with the auto unions and would not even speak the word Tesla while praising Mary Bara at GM for “leading the EV revolution”.

        • Nah. If you own an electric car you have saved yourself a flipping huge amount of operational cost ---cost which comes part and parcel of owning a 'traditional' noisy, inefficient fossil fueled costly sh*tbox

          • The most valuable thing we can ever have is time and just think of all the time plugging is saves, or not needing to get an oil change saves, or brake jobs, or tuneups, or exhaust system replacements etc. etc. Yes, more and more of us know the benefits of EVs are substantial and only getting better...compared to ICEs.

          • Oil change 15 minutes, what tune up as that disappeared 40 years ago.
            Evs use tyres more than my petrol car

          • Not wanting to be deliberately contrarian Tom, but in my experience, my lovely Skoda vRS wagon went through tyres faster than my current Model 3 Long Ranger.

          • My Model 3 currently over 40,000km on original tyres, probably need changing in 5 k or so. Previous petrol cars have been lucky to get 30k and same brand tyres. The reduced brake use and regen of the ev i think make a big difference.

          • That has been proven incorrect as you ay much more for a ev and charging

            As the lie I charge from home solar while I drive to work during the day

      • Tom, me again, if you live off the land knitting your own garments, transport and house from hemp and gum, then you're quite within your rights to disparage Chinese products.

        The reality is, for the majority of Australians and most of the modern world, the "Made in China" moniker is on most of what you buy.

        Invest in hemp.

    • 10 years ago, I bought a Subaru Liberty for $40,000 and earlier this year disposed of it for $15,000. That's $25,000 in depreciation over 10 years or $2,500 per year.

      If 1 purchase a new EV for, say,$60,000 and if it's worth, say, $5,000 after 10 years, that's $55,000 in depreciation or $5,500 per year The extra $3,000 per year would be more than the excess of petrol costs over electricity costs. Not to mention the inconvenience, fire risk, higher insurance and tyre costs, anxiety, etc.

      I thought long and hard about buying an EV. For about five seconds!

      • Petrol cars are hundreds of times more likely to catch on fire. If you charge from home (like most EVA owners do) electricity cost will be about an eighth of equivalent petrol cost.
        Yes, having to stop and fill is an inconvenience that EV owners avoid by plug and charge overnight.
        Insurance was 2% higher than my previous car but the EV value is 15% higher.
        Whilst tyre wear is slightly higher brake wear is around 60% lower because of regen.
        There isn't a ten year old EV for sale in my neighbourhood for less than 25% of original cost (a Leaf).
        When the conflict escalates in the Israel/Palestine area wait for petrol prices to sky-rocket and there is already evidence of this.

      • In about next five years EV owner may have to pay tax on their mileage, since they are avoiding fuel tax. In addition to that, they may also have to pay a great cost to dispose of the old batterie, since its radioactive material involved in the recycling process. other than that, its sales well. Although is not the car suit every lifestyle. I'll wait and see what's happen when El Neno become active, and we will experience very hot over 40 degrees dry weather.

    • Petrol station numbers globally have been steadily declining since around 2017.
      We soon will see more pumps retired at existing stations to be replaced by charging bays, as is happening in Norway.

  • Hi Tim,

    Thank you for these numbers.

    The July numbers total 5,762, whereas Riz mentioned a total sales number of 6,743.

    When can we get the missing numbers for July, and for some models, like the Ford Transit, even the last four months?

    • Hi Kamil,

      It's a slightly complicated answer due to the way we need to collect the data unfortunately as there is no single source of truth. The short answer is the total in the spreadsheet here is simply the tally from all of the models we currently have data for, whereas the Riz number is an aggregate number reported by the FCAI. Once we start filling in more of the blanks with data from individual manufacturers the gap will close.


  • A few models missing including the Mini Countryman Electric. I know they were on sale in July because I bought one. Why has BMW stopped reporting iX1 figures?

  • Maybe put the total in the second column. Not easy to read on a phone (which is where most people will consume this).

  • I'm glad my photo of all the BYDs that was taken from a BYD Facebook group is getting another feature. It was one of the first car transporters with BYD Dolphins in Melbourne.

    • Imagine buying a computer with Linux OS just because Bill Gates is a dick.
      Idiots all of them IMO

      • Almost as dumb as buying a Tesla because you think Musk is the messiah .
        All depends on your political outlook really .
        Now I wouldn't buy a Tesla for a whole load of non-political reasons , but it would also be comforting to know I wouldn't be contributing to the coffers of a sociopath on the spectrum ,who I worry about being a danger to democracy.
        As far as Gates is concerned , I managed to avoid the fear that injectable nanobots are sterilizing me.

        But lets face it most of us buy cars with a large dollop of emotion involved.
        There is no logical reason to drive around a Beemer vs a Toyota for instance.
        Musk has to have damaged his brand ,

    • GM quit all right hand drive markets when the Commodore stopped being made (2016ish). Seeing a Cadillac her is a change of policy.

    • GM abandoned Australia in 2017 throwing all Holden cars and dealers under a bus.
      They intend to import Cadillac EVs soon. I won't support GM after what they did.
      They abandoned all RH drive companies at the same time.

    • The single sale in June was reported in the FCAI VFacts report, but I agree it is a bit odd, must be an early test or press vehicle.

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